28.11.2025 – 17.05.2026


Logo Glitzer
Logo Glitzer
©Mirjana Mitrovi
Glitter sparkles and shimmers, fascinates and outrages. It is as likely to be found on stage as on protesters’ placards and in young people’s bedrooms. Glitter is everywhere – and yet “Glitter” is the first-ever exhibition dedicated exclusively to this material. Its focus is on glitter in current political contexts and collective movements, both as a material and as a metaphor for visibility, belonging and self-determination.

Some 40 international examples from the worlds of art and design – photographs, films, costumes and installations – are brought together in this exploration of glitter as a medium for protest, performance and pop culture, as well as a symbol for boosting the visibility of marginalized groups and resisting the imposition of body norms. Visitors are invited to participate by crafting their own creations at the D.I.Y. stations or contributing their favourite items to the open call for a multifaceted glitter cosmos. At the same time, the shimmering, polished particles are critically examined in the material laboratory to find out exactly what goes into glitter.

An exhibition by the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg with additions by the Gewerbemuseum Winterthur.

Information for media professionals

Media information files and high-resolution media images are available for download. Impressions of each exhibition are released after the official opening.

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If you have any particular questions about the exhibition, require additional material or are looking for the right people to interview, please contact Media Relations for more information.

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