With projects from:
Marjan van Aubel, NL / Maarten Baas, NL / Peter Bauhuis, DE / Pieke Bergmans, NL / Heike Bollig, DE / Léon Bolz, CH / Jörg Boner, CH / Marco Campardo, UK / Hans Coray, CH / Sandra Danicke, DE / Eloa – Unique Lights, DE / Empa, Materials Science and Technology, CH / Estelle Gassmann, CH / Martina Häusermann, CH / Stephanie Harke, DE / Peter Herbert, DE / Lucie Majerus, LU / Enzo Mari, IT / Meyers & Fügmann, DE / Jana Sophia Nolle, DE / Annelies Nuy, NL / Adrien Rovero Studio, CH / Jan Sebesta, CH / James Shaw, UK / Noémie Soriano, CH / Felix Stöckle, CH / Gert Wessels, NL / Uli Westphal, DE / Robert Wettstein, CH / Joschina Zeppelin, DE / etc.
Information for media professionals
Media information files and high-resolution media images are available for download. Impressions of each exhibition are released after the official opening.
We are happy to send you a specimen copy or a link to coverage of our exhibitions on request.
If you have any particular questions about the exhibition, require additional material or are looking for the right people to interview, please contact Media Relations for more information.
Media information is available in German only.